You're a girl! I thought you were a chap like me until my Primary Care Person saw you on George's blog recently. She told me all cats of your colour are female.
I don't know about you but it's been a busy couple of months for me and they didn't get me a new diary for this year until they saw one going cheap because the year had already begun.
While I'm on the subject of incompetent humans we've had one workman here after another which has meant I've been dashing about non-stop to keep an eye on my floor space, all because J turned the bath taps on and went off to check her email. Half an hour later water poured through the ceiling and my paws got soaked every time I crossed the carpet to get to the television for my evening viewing. It took days to dry out. As you know we companion animals are very fussy about our surroundings. I don't do any outside activities if it is cold, wet, windy, hailing, snowing or too hot, so having a soggy carpet inside was not at all to my liking. Then they had it cleaned and it smelt really funny, so I hung around in the other rooms and spent more ti
me upstairs.
Then would you believe, black smelly lumps fell from the chimney and covered the hearth where I go to play with the odd log or two when there's nothing much on TV. Smoke billowed into the room and another workman came to sweep the chimney. He brought lots of interesting things for me to check out but I dashed off when he pretended to use me as a brush and stick me on the end of his cleaning stick. Everyone thought it was very funny but me. I'm as willing to have a joke as the next creature but really.
If you are still willing to believe the stress I've endured, a mouse moved into my kitchen without so much as an if-you-please. The weather has been pretty blowy but he could have asked. They put a humane catcher down with chocolates and cornflakes inside but no luck so far. He puts on a good show when he skates across the the shiny floor so I'm entertained while I nibble my hay. It makes for a change. He doesn't have much conversation though. He just might be stealing my hay for a nest, I must watch out.
Then there was the earthquake. I would have slept through it quite peacefully but my PCP came trundling downstairs, waking me up and fussing to see if I was ok. Nothing much disturbs me when I'm sound off. Not even earthquakes.
Finally, I had a sore eye, conjunctivitis, and had to go and see my vet again. It was red and I tried to keep it closed and manage with one good eye. Did I get any sympathy? Nope. "All you need now is a parrot on your shoulder Harv", they quipped and squeezed some cream in it twice a day. Not very pleasant but I was given a treat each time for being good. It's better now.
Have you got these new things called sunbeams in your house? They come through the window and settle on the floor and you can stretch out and doze on them. If you don't keep a sharp eye out they move about a bit. I expect you can pounce on them and keep them in one place. Binkying on them doesn't work. Pouncing is probably better. They are here already this morning so I'll catch one before it disappears again.
Best wishes and happy snoozing