If you Google Anna Steiner you can find out about her work. She has done lots of theatre and opera stuff so I might get the chance to tread the boards one of these days. I can sing reasonably well when I hear words like Teatime or Carrots. I'm sure somebody could work those words into an aria. They sing about much sillier things than that.
I'm sleeping most of the time these days. Probably because I'm going to be eight next year. We older buns are just like old dogs and cats. We dream a lot about the days when we could leap about and run about for hours on end. I still play in the evening and I'm very careful about my bathroom habits. Well, these things are important when you are a house bunny. Especially one who has modelled for a cushion.
Harvey is eating and poohing just as he should and the vet is very pleased with him but we miss the hectic, exocet missile type behaviour. The kitten days are over. He is becoming very staid but content and very loving.