Friday, September 21, 2007

A Winter's Tale

Not so long ago, one bitterly cold evening in Niagara-on-the-Lake, when the snow was deep and the skies were dark and heavy, a gentle family cat brought a healthy baby bunny to the warmth and heart of his family. He placed it carefully at Alison's feet and went about his business. The family was thrilled at the cleverness of the feline and praised its sweetness and concern for the half frozen rabbit kitten. They made up a cosy basket, gave it cereal and water and left it to recover overnight near the fire on a lovely white fluffy rug safe from the cruel Canadian weather.
The next morning the lovely white fluffy rug was a red fluffy rug. The gentle family pet had returned for a snack in the early hours.
All rabbits should tell this story to their children and grandchildren and especially to the humans they live with.
The photographs are of me and my friend Celia's cat George who has a blog like mine on I dislike being picked up usually but I have to tolerate it for the sake of my public. And for the vet. And at poop-check time. It's a hard life when you're a celebrity like me and have to face the paparazzi so often. Anyway just take a minute to look at George and me and see how alike we are, both black, both small mammals, both kept as pets by humans. Yet if George caught me he would eat me starting from my lovely face so that my fur would lie the right way and wouldn't interfere with his pleasure. Good night and sweet dreams. I think I'll sleep upstairs under the bed tonight.
I think Harve's winking at us.
Photograph of gazebo in Niagara-on-the Lake by Bruce Jackson

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What is a happy bunny?

A happy bunny is one
Who runs to you with a kiss each morning,
Who dashes about the house ecstatically leaping through the air as he runs,
Who pushes his face into your hand and leaves it there to show how much he loves you,
Who sings as he hops along when he hears the word "carrot" or " dinner",
Who makes a game of running out through one door and in through another, over and over again until he is tired,
Who nudges your feet to let you know he wants attention
Who confidently throws himself sideways in an attempt to roll over but never quite manages it,
Who introduces himself to visitors then shows them to the door as they leave,
Who makes a nightly sofa circuit to tell you he is going to bed,
Who has the self assurance to keep a bouncy kitten cornered and well away from his personal space,
Who stretches out at your feet every evening just to be close.
Hey, who's been writing in my diary and where's
my picture?
Will this do?
Harve in helpful mood.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Home alone.

I was left on my own overnight while my lot popped off for a couple of days. I never get bored on my own. With my house to supervise boredom isn't on my agenda. They are very lucky they can leave me here to look after the house when they go away. Anything could happen to the place if I weren't on the spot. One of my best friends is Pauline-the-Postie. She comes in to sort things for me when she has finished her village round. She gives me my crunchies, changes my litter, tops up my water and hay bowl and generally checks me over. We have a chat and a cuddle although usually I am much more interested in my food. Then my Joanne, or Simon, comes after work to say goodnight and give me my evening carrot. If they have time we watch a bit of television then they text my lot to give them an update. I appreciate a day or two when I don't have so many interruptions or somebody saying "What are you up to Harve?", "Come out of there Harve", "You're very quiet under there, Harve", as if I'd get up to anything troublesome. What a nightmare it must be to be imprisoned in a hutch, however large, perhaps with one visit a day from human family. What do those rabbits do all the time if the only light they see is through a piece of chicken wire. What have we done through the centuries to deserve this? All we ask is love, loyalty and a bit of freedom. It costs nothing.

Hopefully Harve has forgotten we took him to rabbit kennels for a week to try it out. Our careful instructions were not followed, perhaps they thought they knew better and when we returned he had stopped eating. We took him straight to our brilliant vet who kept him in for a few days and hand fed him with a complete food mixture to get his system going again. It took a week with covering antibiotics to get him back to his old self. I sat up at night with him to make sure he knew I was there. Never again.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Birthday boy

I'm six today! This is the present list I made and left by my basket last night.
1. One whole banana just for me, all at once.
2. One whole, large carrot just for me, all at once.
3. One piece of carrot cake with extra large juicy raisins.
4. One packet of cornflakes.
5. One ripe pear.
6. One ripe peach, peeled.
7. One bouquet garni of mint, parsley, dandelion leaves and rocket.
8. One whole day when I don't hear the word "NO".
No need to wrap.
Ok, where's the carrot cake?

Happy Birthday from all of us, Harve.