Saturday, November 12, 2011


Some things are more important to a house rabbit than to a hutch rabbit. Feet for instance. If I had to pick out one of the most important things in my life it would be feet. I keep an eye on feet most of the day except when I'm asleep. Feet can tell you exactly what is going on in your house. You know where your family is going and why. You know if they head for the door, they're going out and you can snooze in peace. If feet go to the utility room it's always worth a quick check in case the fridge and carrots are involved. If they go into the big room they will put the TV on and it's time for me to get a good seat in between my hay bag and the screen. Doorways are a great place to feet-watch.

Hands will be more important to a hutch rabbit because they bring bowls of food and water and clean out the place. Now, I'm not too keen on hands. They tend to pick you up and check things out. Nope, I'm a feet man myself.

Friday, November 11, 2011

One of Life's Luxuries

Now, after being rated as a lot of trouble, I'm being called a luxury.
They are saying I cost over £500 a year to keep and that's without holidays at Bunny Hops and without replacement cuddle blankets and dozing mats. I think that's quite cheap and I try my best to keep costs down by not eating much hay. They seem to forget I don't need a hutch or a run outside so there isn't heating and cleaning to deal with there. Well, you have to help where you can.
Another worrying thing is the reduction in time given to me for secretarial work. The other day I found out why. She's writing a book about me. I can't believe the secrets in my diary won't be secret any more. I've told her writing is easy but getting people to read it isn't. I feel very let down though. A diary is such a personal thing. It's nobody else's business. What about my problems with, you know, my bathroom problems? People will know I get a bit scared going to the vet and being left alone outside. You think you know people, you think they love you and are your best friends and then..............
I'm upset and intend to stay in my security spot until I feel better.