Sunday, September 16, 2007

What is a happy bunny?

A happy bunny is one
Who runs to you with a kiss each morning,
Who dashes about the house ecstatically leaping through the air as he runs,
Who pushes his face into your hand and leaves it there to show how much he loves you,
Who sings as he hops along when he hears the word "carrot" or " dinner",
Who makes a game of running out through one door and in through another, over and over again until he is tired,
Who nudges your feet to let you know he wants attention
Who confidently throws himself sideways in an attempt to roll over but never quite manages it,
Who introduces himself to visitors then shows them to the door as they leave,
Who makes a nightly sofa circuit to tell you he is going to bed,
Who has the self assurance to keep a bouncy kitten cornered and well away from his personal space,
Who stretches out at your feet every evening just to be close.
Hey, who's been writing in my diary and where's
my picture?
Will this do?
Harve in helpful mood.