Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Day in the Life of .......

You'll be well up to speed now with the fact my primary care giver knows very little about bunnies. The new training sessions are not going as well as I'd planned. Take a quick look at yesterday's diary.
7.30 am. PCG comes downstairs. Dash about, give her a lick and tell her it's 9.30 am, time for my breakfast. No luck.
8.00 am. Trip her up when she goes for another cup of tea. Tell her it's 9.30 am. Ignored.
9.00 am. Sit on mat in utility room, stare at my empty bowl. No reaction. Run in circles round her feet, trip her up again and tell her it's 9.30 am. Nothing.
9.25 am. Fed up. Go to sleep.
9.45 am. A whistle ! 24 grams of crunchy deliciousness. Eat too much too quickly. Flop out under table until things shuffle down.
11.00 am. Very wet day so am allowed upstairs to play. Find newspaper by side of bed so decide to help with tidying.

12.00 Finish sorting newspaper. Exhausted. Get no thanks for expertise. Am chased downstairs.
Sleep most of afternoon with time off for grass and hay.
5.00 pm. Have good wash. Manage to get ends of ears into mouth. All ready for TV.

6.00 pm. Television time ! Do not disturb until I'm ready to play

You see my problem? I wonder whether a doe in the house would be as difficult to train as my human female.

No comment. No doe.