Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Mafeking relieved.

This is a special news flash for my diary and all who read it. All is well. Panic over.I tore a muscle and a lump came up. It was only a traumatic hernia after all. I knew I felt ok. I saw both my rabbit specialists, Kim as well as Simon who had come in on his crutches so I had a second opinion at the same time.. They said it would not be advisable to mend it because it would be like trying to stitch tissue paper to butter so I am to take it easy and not do any more Geronimo jumps off the sofa for the time being. Mmm, will I be able to resist?
We companion animals are very sensible about these things on the whole. Fortunately we don't need to go hunting for food so we can rest. I don't binkie much at my age anyway. Binkying is for younger rabbits.
Thank you all for your kind wishes.