When you are small, soft, warm, cute and irresistibly cuddly like me, living indoors can be a bit of a nuisance at times. Being munched, kissed, cuddled and having warm raspberries blown on the back of your neck can be a bind when you've already settled down for a snooze and are floating gently over a garden full of carrot tops inhaling their perfume and mapping out where to land. Being a crepuscular animal I like to do this every afternoon but as soon as I prepare to put down my landing gear and pucker my mouth into munching mode, a voice says, "There you are." and I'm disturbed again.
Of course I love the cuddles, who wouldn't but I do need a bit of privacy now and again for, well, personal things. Afternoons are set aside for this. The caecotroph happening is something I'm not in control of and it upsets me so I like to sleep through the process and when it's over, shake the, er,um, poo off and move as far away from it as possible then pretend it has nothing to do with me.
I could write a book about the private life of the rabbit if it hadn't already been done. That might give them a hint about my need for my own space now and again but what if they took it to extremes and put me in a hutch at the bottom of the garden? NO, you gotta go with the flow when you live in a house with humans and have adopted them as your own. Anytime is the perfect time to put up with a few warm neck raspberries while I stretch out, put my chin on the floor, close my eyes and purr. This is the life!
And I love all the nose licks and even the muggings Harve. I think we've got it about right.