Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I've blown it!

I've blown it! I have blown it and I don't know what to do to put things right. Last night, on the sofa, I lost control completely and upset the most important woman in my life. It began so innocently. She had given me a small piece of banana and I wanted more but no matter how beautifully I sang and shivered my back legs she wouldn't listen. In my frustration I turned my back and sprayed the sofa, the wretched banana and her. There was a loud screech and I was picked up and carried, carried mind you, to my litter tray in the utility room. Imagine my humiliation. All night the squeal of horror echoed through my fitful sleep while I tried to make sense of it all. I remember spraying in the garden a couple of years ago and on an old pile of shoes where I liked to sit and camouflage myself but never anywhere else and NEVER since my operation.

I have stayed underneath the kitchen table most of today and slept a lot. Nobody has been down to talk to me yet so I am very doubtful about being allowed to watch TV tonight. There will be no sofa sitting, that's for sure.

Now that was bullying on Harvey's part and my fault entirely. Sharing the sofa at family playtime is one thing - sharing my banana was a bonding too far. How easy it is to be conned by this tiny black ball of powder-puff fluff into forgetting he is a bossy male rabbit who thinks he rules the roost. He knows he crossed the line and is playing things very low-key today.

1 comment:

George Online Cat said...

Interesting use of spraying as a method of getting human attention. We cats can do it too. I haven't tried this yet but my pal William (not sure if the pal feeling is very strong from his point of view) has taken to spraying in the litter box. This has caused a great deal of puzzlement, anxiety, and analysis in Celia. She says I am causing stress to William by pouncing on him. Clearly spraying has an enormous effect on humans and, equally clearly, they find it difficult to understand the message it conveys.