Friday, August 31, 2007

People say the oddest things.

We had visitors today. As a very social animal I like to keep up to date with group activities as nature intended me to so I dashed smartly under the table beside all the feet to be in the best position to catch up with gossip. People think I sleep a lot of the time under there but I don't miss much. I learn a lot listening to chatter while I pretend to doze. Such a great way to collect notes for my diary. I realised very early on humans don't give much thought before they open their mouths. This afternoon for instance one of them looked down at me, laughed and asked "Which end is which?" I mean although I am black all over apart from the grey tips on my front toes, people who can't tell a head from a tail shouldn't be allowed out alone. Then with no consideration for my finer feelings she peered again and said "I see he likes blackberries." My PCG was quick off the mark as she spotted my caecotroph. "Not well enough," she replied drily. In my opinion verbalising is rarely a good move.
My Primary Care Giver frequently explains to friends who question her about life with me that my behaviour is very kittenish. She must mean my play behaviour because I am nothing like the dotty. Also, when I do my speed running round the house with my long ears flapping debonairly she says I'm like a huge black bumble bee trying to take off. You see what I mean, no consideration.
By the way, Smudge, a binkie is much like a high kitten leap but we rabbits do whirly twists while we are airborn. We can either execute a complete turn in the air or land facing in a totally different direction. Air aerobics are wildly uplifting. Try it. You may have to take off from a height if you are a sedate cat.

I'll have to think more carefully before I say anything.


George Online Cat said...

My human, Celia, has taken to coming home smelling of rabbit. She has volunteered for the Blue Cross and spends time socialising a rabbit called Matilda. I think it is your fault, Harvey. After meeting you, she wanted a house rabbit but cannot have one as I would kill it. So she goes out to pet rescue rabbits.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip Harvey, I think I'll try it on the sofa tonight, not sure how the twist will go but sure it will attract attention.

Interesting that you are so social, I generally avoid a gathering unless there is food around, even then I go straight to my care giver and make my requests then leave. Everyone knows that there is a tax on all nice food eaten in our vacinity, around 10% is fair.

I've also heard quite a few things said about me in such gatherings, especially when I first decided to move in and the locals referred to me as the feral cat, most inaccurate. Strangers also seem to get uppity when I don't purr for them, well I wouldn't would I - I've learnt that not all humans are nice.