Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dear Harvey

Now look here rabbit. Put this in your diary! All this business about dogs being stupid, looking silly and what not is wearing a bit thin. You think you are the only one who has life tagged? Do you think you are the only one who can organise humans to your advantage? Well, think again. We dogs holiday in foreign countries you have never dreamed about. We swim in rivers and in the sea to our hearts' content. We go on fantastic walks, we share a bedroom with our humans and we take the best chairs nearest to a fire. And do you think you are the only species who can binkie? Take a look at this, rabbit.

You say we shouldn't wear coats and shoes. We'll have you know dogs are intrepid explorers. All explorers wear special outfits. Brave fire dogs who investigate burnt out buildings wear shoes and rescue dogs wear protective stuff. We are heroes. We laugh in the face of danger. What do rabbits do? They hide in holes and under tables.
We know how to wrap our humans round our paws just by gazing up at them. You have a lot to learn, rabbit and by the way, who was clever enough to get rid of a pesky bunny who used to take our humans attention away from us? I, Roxy! And who was Miss September on a famous calendar? I, Willow.
Think again, rabbit. Think again.


Lennie said...
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Lennie said...
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Lennie said...

Hu Hum, I would just like to remind you you equestrian floor polishers that we can be brave little fellows - life savers in fact.
Why I heard on the news only a few months ago about a house rabbit that saved its humans lives by scratching at the bedroom door until they woke up thereby saving them from burning alive in a house fire!
We have a very strong sense of survival and should be praised given our biological limitations.
Our determined little spirits will not be beaten.

Humph! .. and when we binky we do not have to do so naked. We at least do it with our coats on thought maybe not so spectaculaiirley.