Friday, June 05, 2009

I told you so

I told you so! I knew it. I knew it I knew it I knew it! I've been to have the dreaded Rearguard and have been huffing with my face towards the wall for hours. I tried to hide up J's jumper but could only manage to get my head there with my bum sticking out so the vet got me! How did he know I was there when he couldn't see my face? Darn clever these cat and rabbit specialists.Anyway it's over and done with for another year so I can relax without the worry of being eaten alive by fly maggots. It only seems to be sheep and bunnies that have the fly strike problem. There'll be extra parsley and rocket later and maybe extra carrot. Anything with a strong flavour will take the nasty taste of that Rearguard away. Might even get a sniff of a digestive biscuit. Just look at what I had to put up with.


George Online Cat said...

I heard of a long haired cat that, due to inadequate grooming, also got fly strike. But luckily William is groomed seriously every day and I am short haired. Love to you, George.

Lennie said...

There seems to be a frantic amount of activity in the building department of our house Harvey.
Fly screens I think I heard them say.
I can see at least five going up!

Meanwhile I am frantically washing my bum as soon as I am looked at.

I think you did very well. Keep wriggling.

Happy parsley eating