Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sometimes there's not much to write in my diary and January is one of those times. The doors and windows are shut so there's no point in sitting on the doorstep and it's not worth climbing onto the window sill so I have no idea what's going on in the garden.
I don't mind much because my house is my domain and people-training sessions fill my days. That and bed making which is much like making scrapes so I keep my hand in ready for garden maintenance when the time comes. I can go on scrabbling with my paws and tugging my comfort blankets with my teeth for hours on end. It's very therapeutic.
Sometimes J joins in. She pulls my blanket over my head and we play Where's Harvey? Then I poke my head out and say Here I am. It gives her something to do and I quite enjoy it.

A dog came to visit the other evening and I had to stay in the kitchen. His name is Bingo. When he had gone I had to check about to see if he had been in any of my places. He had. I could smell him. He had even been on my sofa but I don't think he had any of my carrot. Afterwards I wouldn't take anything from J's hand until she had washed them thoroughly. I prefer the smell of soap to the smell of dog.

Did you forget to mention you have taken a great interest in the carpet fringe, Harve? Has it become one of your best friends?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Advice for KC and other interested parties.

Dear Kattycat,
You ask for suggestions for rousing your family when they lie abed too long.
Ping pong balls are the answer! You can make a very gratifying noise with a ping pong ball if you persevere.
Figaro, the British Blue cat who preceeded me, before they realised a house rabbit was the perfect companion animal, once frightened off a burglar during the night by playing with his ping pong ball. My lot heard him bashing it around in the kitchen and put the house lights on. Off shot the intruder and Figgi received great praise.
Another idea is one of those food bowls with a timer. It could be primed to open early just for you if they insist on having a lie in. That could also make quite a din if you try to toss it around to open it before its time. I often throw my dish around to let them know when it is empty.
Good luck,

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rules and regs

In order to live in harmony with our humans there are always a few things to rethink and get straight. Once they understand basics and think they have things sussed as far as communication with us is concerned this is the time to block their vantage points.
For instance, kisses. Kisses please, they will say. Now this is ok. You push your face close to theirs and give a quick lick on the nose. However, if you hear Big, huggy kisses, you run like the wind. Run rabbit run!! Anywhere. Vantage point blocked. Why? Because you know this is going to involve being picked up, clutched to their chests and slobbered over. If you are really unlucky they will sing to you when you are at your most disadvantaged and probably unable to breath.
Then there's night-night time. Perhaps you used to give in straight away to the temptation of carrot which is synonymous with bedtime. Don't. Try to block out the carrot thought and think bed, a long time without attention. Make them chase you round the furniture, hide underneath the piano, hide behind the curtains or under a chair. Duck and dive. Pretend you are prey, or if you are a cat imagine a rotweiller one inch from your tail. You will be doing them a good turn. It's great excercise for them and they will realise you are not a pushover.This trains them to stick to the rules. Your rules. Always be prepared to alter your strategy and retrain them away from things you don't like.
Now, my PCG has decided to teach me to sit and stay when she leaves the room for a short time to collect my evening nibbles. I can and have done this many times with not very good grace. In fact I had to thump on one occasion to remind her I was still waiting so now if I get bored, I give her a minute then dash to meet her on the way back with the daily fruit ration which we share on the sofa. It speeds her up and trips her up.
Finally, It's poop check time. Well, even they know not to say THAT out loud!
It's all go if you need to keep one step ahead with the training schedule in this house.
Good luck.

Huh! Such a sneaky bun and who has started taking a bite out of several pieces of apple so no-one else can eat them?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let it snow......

When I have finished this small bowl I'm going to start on the big bowl. My stocks should last until the snow goes.

The utility room is out of bounds because they think the quarry tiles are too cold for my feet! Personally I think they are being over protective so I keep an eye on the door and sneak in to cool off when they aren't looking. In the meantime I'm sort of being coddled like an egg. My feet have fur on them for goodness sake and some rabbits are still living in hutches out in the freezing gardens. Why is this? Why can't they come indoors and share the fire like I do?I like to pop out to have a close look at the snow when they feed the birds because I need to keep a check on how many of my raisins are put on their feeding patch.

I feel sorry for the birds. Today a big brown labrador came into our garden and ate two cheese and raisin scones with extra fat, some grated cheese, chopped apple and a scoopful of mealworm crumble. I hope it is sick all night long.

Rabbits and hamsters should be brought into a warmer area in the winter. Water is freezing almost as soon as it is put outside. A utility room would be ideal. There are warming pads to heat up in a microwave and this should be kept up regularly. The Rabbit Welfare Association gives excellent advice on how to look after your pets in cold weather.