Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Geriatric? Moi?

Just got back from the vet's. Quite a pleasant ride and plenty to watch in the waiting room. Weigh in, one and a half kilos, tummy squidge, toenail trim, bottom shave and then the dreaded tooth check. To add insult to injury, my vet, who has always been my hero until now said, "Very good for a geriatric rabbit. You will miss him when he has gone."
Gone? Where am I going? I'm not going anywhere. Huh, doctors. It's bad enough living with a pedantic, people doctor but I didn't expect any comments like this from a real one. Oh well, time for TV.
Just look at this. I had a bottle like that when I was a kitten but I've had my own bowl for years now. Don't human males ever grow up? Must check with George.


KattyCat said...

Something my mummy told me many times (so i guess it's true): no, human males do not grow up !

George Online Cat said...

Human males do not grow up. Ever. I have just had the indignity of my blog being used by humans to post sex messages about online sex sites. The messages were in oriental languages so until Puss Puss helped me, I was ignorant of their content.
As a celibate from a species which only has sex in season, I resent these adolescent human message.

Lennie said...

Thank you Harvey
I sometimes get given a bowl. I am so relieved that you make a fuss - I though it was just me and that I have rubbish humans.
I suppose we just have to experience all our bunniness.

I quite enjoy being told off - usually giving a little nonchalant skip-binky. "Ah ha ha got you mad! now chase me and I can escape ha hahah!" Usually makes them laugh. (not always - I smell bunny pie)

Keep grumbling Harvey
Love Lennie Rainbow Dancer.