Saturday, June 19, 2010


We had rain on Midsummer day and it was a bit blustery so I stayed home to look after things while the other two went off to visit Twigs' family of eighteen rabbits, some hens and a couple of tortoises and to nibble on the carrot cake in the garden.Parsley is a very sensible chap and when the rain hurtled down he took to his shelter and watched things from the comfort of his garden house. Wet paws and fur are something I hate too.
I had news about them all. Damson is recovering nicely after his operation to remove a kidney stone but was resting in the nursery sick bay today to make sure he didn't get underfoot.

Viola Rose is looking very beautiful again now she has completely recovered from her myxie attack. It was an uphill struggle even though she had her jabs. Twigs and Steve had planned to go on holiday but the morning they were due to leave Viola Rose went to them and showed them her streaming eyes and nose.

so they unpacked their cases and stayed with her.

Her great love is Mistletoe Snowgoose. You can see him here with Viola Rose. He was bought from a pet shop when he was small. The pet shop owner said he would love to live alone in a hutch on a balcony. Well! How ignorant is that? Six months later he turned into a large, powerful, hormonal fury. Not the pet shop owner, Mistletoe Snowgoose. Anyway after one or two problems someone told Twigs about him because Twigs knows how rabbits should be kept.
One thing is a bit of a worry though. Steve sent me a message to say bought packets of curly kale might not be good for me because of the stuff they blow into the bags to keep it fresh. I'm eating my own from the garden at the moment but I will make sure anything else from a shop is washed thoroughly before going into my bowl even when it says washed and ready for use.
We are all such lucky rabbits to have such lovely, loving homes.
In the meantime I have been digging in the corner of the sofa. First of all you have to toss the cushions out of the way, then pull and tug at the arm covers ( this takes a very long time. I've been at it for three days so far) and then the scrabbling can start in earnest. I have other things to play with but I prefer to make up my own games. I'm quite excited. I wonder what I will find when I get to the other side? There is a nice frilly bit at the edge of the cover now. I don't know who could have done it because I've been there most of the time and I didn't see anyone.

Money raised at the open day is for the RSPCA programme for rabbit neutering.


George Online Cat said...

I like the idea of digging into the sofa, Harvey. My preferred activity is scratching not digging. My aim is to redecorate the whole house with frills - frilled soft furnishing, frilled side of the bed, and frilled wallpaper at a nice feline height. Curtains with frills at the bottom also look nice.
Pity that my humans have no design sense. They get quite unpleasant about my artistic efforts.
George Online Cat

Everycat said...

What an interesting post, I had no idea that vaccinated rabbits could still get infected with mxyie. Poor Viola Rose, I hope her eye heals up completely. All the rabbits at Twig's home look like they live a very good life. If only all rabbits were so lucky.

I may try the sofa digging you mention, my current technique involves staring with malice at any ape who dares sit where I want to. Hurling cushions about should be fun.

Have a lovely weekend Harvey!

Whicky Wuudler