Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Killer rabbits.

I was listening under the table when the man came to get my Aga ready for chilly days. I always like to listen in when somebody comes. He said he had heard on the TV programme called QI that trappers in very cold countries who tried to get through the winter by living on rabbit meat alone died of malnutrition. Sounds good to me but I wonder where Mr. Fry heard that? Has anyone else heard it
Mind you, I don't think I could live on just grass. One food only wouldn't be very interesting. Even my cousins in the wild manage to find a bit of variety.
I have a small worry at the moment because my favourite things are apple leaves and they are beginning to fall in my garden. Along with my baby greens, sweetheart cabage and, yes Lennie, yummy peaches, I have a wide assortment of stuff to munch. It changes every day so I always look forward to my meals. I hope I don't lose all my apple leaves.

I'm still snoozing quite a lot. Most of the time in fact. My second in command is the same. We are very happy hanging out together.
Got it!!!


George Online Cat said...

Harve, why did they put that flower on your head? Was it that they were trying to make you look human. I prefer the second photo of you eating it. That looks like a rabbity rabbit not a human rabbit.
Anthropomorphism .. yet another human defect. When they arenot treating us like meat or (in my case) vermin, they think we are humans in furry jackets. We are not. More like they are naked rabbits or naked cats.
Yours disgusted of Ringwood

Unknown said...

Hi Harvey

I would very much like to interview you for my Pet Hooligans blog http://pethooligans.com and to get the lowdown on what makes you such a successful Bunny blogger.

If this would make you happier than an extra carrot in your bowl, please get those paws on the keys and drop me a mail:

awood.woodmors @ gmail . com

Thank you and just so as you know there is a certain female bunny over who thinks that you are the coolest cat (um bunny) in town ;-)

Regards, Ali