Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Mafeking relieved.

This is a special news flash for my diary and all who read it. All is well. Panic over.I tore a muscle and a lump came up. It was only a traumatic hernia after all. I knew I felt ok. I saw both my rabbit specialists, Kim as well as Simon who had come in on his crutches so I had a second opinion at the same time.. They said it would not be advisable to mend it because it would be like trying to stitch tissue paper to butter so I am to take it easy and not do any more Geronimo jumps off the sofa for the time being. Mmm, will I be able to resist?
We companion animals are very sensible about these things on the whole. Fortunately we don't need to go hunting for food so we can rest. I don't binkie much at my age anyway. Binkying is for younger rabbits.
Thank you all for your kind wishes.


Everycat said...

Poor Harvey, a hernia must be a miserable thing to have. I hope yours mends itself and you can avoid jumping. Could your Mum make some nice bunny sized steps or a ramp for you to get on and off the sofa safely?

I read about a Rabbit Grand National this week, taking place up north somewhere at a huge small animal show. It sounds horrible, poor bunnies :(

Take care Harvey

Whicky Wuudler

Unknown said...

Oh Harvey, sorry you aren't feeling well but so relieved the news was no worse. You will be back to your old self in no time.

Tilly has to go to the vet on Sat so she can really sympathize. It is only for a jab and a general check-up but oh no, no, no she will not be happy.

Take care of yourself and maybe you might get an extra piece of carrot to cheer you up ;-)

Lennie said...

HARVEY - must have been your "Iron Tong Hurling" that did it. Try slippers my friend - its much less strenuous - oh and the occasional rolled up socks.
Yes, yes, yes a stool a stool - I have a little stool to hop up onto the sofa and a covered foam folded up spare bed.
So glad it isn't anything but a hernia - not nice though.
Watch it though Harve - I have been eyeing your bunny hearth. Looks cosy over there.
Lennie - with bags packed for a holiday at Harves!!

KattyCat said...

Hey Harvey,
The parents were away on holidays so i didn't have anybody to type for me - but now that they're back i can tell you, i was SO relieved when i read this.
Now you take it easy my friend, just let J carry you around and pamper you, you deserve it !
Lots of love,