Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It's all about ducks here so I'm huffing. It's "Is she off her nest yet?" "Has she come down for food this morning?" "Have the boys come to see her today?" It's ducks, ducks, ducks, nothing but ducks.

I went outside yesterday to check for myself. It's my garden for goodness sake even though I don't bother much with it. You can't cover everything if you're a house rabbit but that doesn't mean I want other folk in there poking their noses into my affairs.

I prepared a few scrapes ready for my carrots, did a good bit of trimming the flat leafed parsley and checked out one or two of the borders but didn't spot or smell her. She must be well hidden. There was nobody in the pond either. I'll be glad when those chicks hatch and we can get back to me being centre stage. Can't be too long now for goodnss sake. She's making a real meal of this giving birth. We rabbits find it so easy.There's never this sort of fuss with does.


Lennie said...

Well, I am very jealous of your garden Harvey it looks like a really exciting safe place. My humans saw a rabbit in a low walled garden last week just laying about on the grass with the hutch door wide open - outside with all sorts of dogs and cats roaming around. It all looked very relaxed. I would have jumped two of those walls in height and been hopping across the road in a jiff.
I can see you are keeping the ducks in order.
Keep at it Harvey I have been PROMISED a walled garden one day. That ..or a camomile lawn. Till then I have to make do with tunnel boxes and a salad and herb garden.
Happy hatching.
Love Lennie
..an almost mature rabbit (I am three and a half now)

Lennie said...

Ha ha ha ha - I did it. I got a nibble at the new loom - they went to make a cup of tea and left it just within my reach.
They were wondering why the wool was "catching".. then saw my handy work I had managed to nibble all of the tops of the pegs that I could reach.
Its pine Harvey! My favourite next to willow
Happy Easter Harvey. Looking forward to Pets corner.

KattyCat said...

Harvey, i have a question for you - as it's Easter today: why do human give eachother chocolate bunnies today ? And why eggs and bunnies, and not eggs and ducks ?
This is rather confusing to me...
Hope you're enjoying the sun we're having at the moment - it's quite glorious really.