Saturday, December 26, 2009

My gift.

Everybody seemed to be giving other people things for Christmas but I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't go shopping by myself and I know they don't eat hay. They don't seem to play with cardboard boxes and they never share my breakfast. I don't know how to cut up fruit for them or put it on a plate. I couldn't help them to hang up decorations and I had nothing to wrap in pretty paper to put under the tree.
I was so unhappy then I had a really good idea. I could leave them something special on Christmas morning after all. Something I know they really like. Something they always wrap up and take away to keep.I left two pieces of my very own poo on the kitchen floor instead of in the utility room! It was the first thing they saw when they came downstairs and the smile on their faces told me I had done the right thing.
"Thank you, Harve," they said and gave me a big Christmas kiss.
There is no hope of Harvey realising he should eat his caecotrophs for further nutrition. He doesn't need to as a house bunny and any inherent racial memory of this no longer exists. He has none of the true rabbit needs. He occasionally goes into his cardboard box if he feels like chewing it but prefers to lie at our feet or, in this winter weather, in front of the fire or under the kitchen table where the heating pipes run. He is a perfect companion animal. Apart from the poo on the floor once a day!!


Lennie said...

Nice one ( or two ) Harvey!

Happy Poopy Christmas.

Love Lennie xx

KattyCat said...

This made me laugh a lot ! I think i'll try to remember this idea for the next holiday season, i know my human adore it when i leave a little "gift" - i always get their immediate attentiton after such an event !!
Thanks for the laugh !!

George Online Cat said...

A great way to give your humans an experience of rabbit life, Harvey. I brought in a mouse. Mine didn't smile. Just swore.

George Online Cat said...
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