Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tittle Tattle

I have a new bed. It's for cats really and it's made of special stuff so they can't scratch it to pieces. Works for me too. I can scrabble all day and try to pull it with my teeth but it stays the same. Word was that I wouldn't go near it for weeks until I got used to it but I fooled them all by diving straight for it and settling in. Mmmm, it's perfect for winter snoozes. So snuggly. Someone keeps trying to cover it with one of my cuddle towels to keep it clean but I soon toss that out of the way. Well, black on white looks so classy don't you think? These two buns here belong to my friend Edward. Their names are Spike and Poppy and I hear they quite like to look after Ed. When he learns to crawl they won't be so happy you mark my words. Once he can reach them and pull their fur they'll hop it pretty smartish. They were there first so I know they are the bosses. They have a fantastic hutch to run to for peace and quiet if they choose.
The hay in my play bag is going down and I have to put my head all the way in to get to the best bits. What's so funny about my splendid bottom sticking out while I scrabble? Oh, well, if it gives them some pleasure to laugh at me let them get on with it.
Harve, we are waiting for a new huge bag to arrive. Be patient.

1 comment:

Lennie said...

Hi Harve,

Oh, did they remove your teeth!! I would have shredded that in just a few hours.
Looks cosy though.

Keep snuggled - the humans keep eyeing my furry coat with envy.

Love Lennie