Monday, December 27, 2010

Another one over.

Well, Christmas is over and I haven't put on a gram in weight so why is the family huffing and puffing around the place? All of a sudden my vegetables have become very popular and they are eating my salady stuff as well .My herbs and celery sticks are on their plates as well as their own food. The only thing I ever beg from them is the odd crunchy nut cornflake. Oh and a cream cracker. Oh and maybe a smidgeon of rich tea biscuit. Oh and definitely Banana. Well, it's good to share.
I tried the snow! Fantastic stuff. If you try to eat it, it disappears as you go along. I was like a little black snow plough but they were too busy giving my special sultanas to the birds who gobble them up with one swallow instead of nibbling and savouring the way I do. Guess what I got from Santa? A big bag of my favourite mixed cereal.It's in the sitting room so I can duck my head inside and nibble while I pop out again to watch TV.
I wish all the rabbits in the world could have had a Christmas like mine.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vertically challenged?

How could they get it so wrong? Call themselves experienced rabbit owners? Pooh! They now tell me I'm not what I thought I was. I'm not a dwarf lop after all. I'm a mini lop. Is that bigger or smaller?
Oh dear I feel so insecure.
It's all to do with my weight. Dwarf lops are heavier than mini lops. I'm only 1.5 kilos and that is mini weight. On top of this news, my vet thinks my face should be a bit more pointed as a mini lop and my beautiful visage is as flat as a pancake! What terrible mix up. Am I just a mongrel?Oh, dear, I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. Should I get a second opinion do you think? Maybe Harley Street? Can I afford it with Christmas just round the corner? Oh, well. Who cares. It's banana time. They love me after all! They don't mind if I never win a beauty contest. They still think I'm the most precious thing in their lives! And I am!!Life is so.o.o.o good so I'm off to deck the halls.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Roger Rabbit

Vets again today. Every six months I go to the vet for my Myxie jab and every time I grumble about the same thing. The dreaded scope. I hate the thing in my mouth. Vaccination fine, bottom shave fine, weigh in fine, tummy squidge fine but the teeth. NO.But I'm never going to grumble again because today I met Roger. Roger is deaf and he has had a stroke. Now he has a sore eye where they think some hay dust or maybe a piece of sharp hay has scratched it.
Yet Roger is a lucky bun because his human mum loves him very, very much. He loves to be nursed and cuddled as often as possible. He lies blissfully on his mum's knee and will probably be able to feel her heart beating and the vibrations of her voice when she talks to him. He has his own duvet next to a heater so is always warm and cosy in this weather.
I thank the Great White Rabbit in the sky for my health and happiness.